CEDEFOP      Skills anticipation in Slovenia

April 2017


Some skills anticipation activities take place in Slovenia, although there is no comprehensive and co-ordinated system in place. The main forms of skills anticipation used in the country concern:

    gathering administrative data on vacancies and unemployment; and analysing relevant data such as those from the Labour Force Survey;
    employer surveys (carried out by the Employment Service of Slovenia (ESS) and employers’ organisations) as well as surveys by labour market intermediaries and recently by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SORS);
    skills forecasts within international networks, primarily CEDEFOP; and
    dialogues with representatives of key stakeholders.

The Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities (MoLFSA) (Ministrstvo za delo, družino, socialne zadeve in enake možnosti) and the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport (MoESS) have central roles in the key skills anticipation activities. The ESS, labour market intermediaries and employers’ organisations are also active and there are numerous (ongoing) projects related to skills anticipation.
The Slovenian government has allocated resources and efforts in the development of skills anticipation activities and improvement of the relevant tools. Many of the recent methodological improvements have been co-financed by the European Social Fund (ESF), while previous budget limitations due to the economic crisis seem to have been overcome.

Skills intelligence deriving from skills anticipation activities is available primarily to policy makers and key stakeholders, but is not widely visible to the public. The use of skills anticipation information in the framework of developing occupational standards and Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses is well-developed.
Although the importance of monitoring and anticipating skills needs and supply is recognised and there have been attempts for improving the existing approach, a comprehensive and co-ordinated system is still to be established. Moreover, with the exception of employers’ involvement in the structure and content of vocational education and training, it is unclear how information from skills anticipation exercises is translated into policy and how stakeholders are involved in this process. Some of these problems may be overcome by the methodological and practical changes that are under development.



Please cite this document as: Skills Panorama (2017), Skills anticipation in Slovenia. Analytical highlights series. Available at http://skillspanorama.cedefop.europa.eu/en/analytical_highlights/skills-anticipation-slovenia